Trusts & Estates

Trusts & Estates

WealthCounsel Quarterly, Volume 17, No. 4—Planning for an Aging Population

This issue of the WealthCounsel Quarterly will assist you in implementing planning opportunities and protections that will provide peace of mind to our aging population and foster the development of your current or future elder law practice.

Articles include:

The Elder Care Reality
By: Brian Tully, JD

Obtaining Long-Term Care for Your Client: A Primer on Medicaid Eligibility
By: Jill Roamer, JD, Legal Content Specialist

A Riddle Wrapped in an Enigma: Navigating Client Capacity in Elder Law
By: Zach Bloxham, J.D, Elder Law & Estate Planning Faculty

Meeting the Long-Term Care, Estate, and Business Succession Planning Needs of Elderly Business Owners
By: Neel Shah, JD | Siobhán Kinealy, Esq

Preventing Financial Exploitation of Elders: Ethical, Legal, and Practical Considerations
By: Francis J. Rondoni, JD | Stuart C. Bear, JD | Elizabeth C. Henry, JD

Exploration of Elder Docx™ Resources
By: Lissa Bealke-Moore, Product Implementation Manager

Narrative Branding: The Secret Ingredient to Growing a Law Firm
By: Benji Albrecht, MBA

The WealthCounsel Quarterly is the premier legal magazine for estate planning and elder law attorneys. Subscribers get access to the latest digital issue that includes informative articles written by industry leaders, practice development tips, and WealthCounsel’s full educational calendar for the quarter.

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