Trusts & Estates

Trusts & Estates

WealthCounsel Quarterly, Volume 17, No. 1—Special Assets

This issue of the WealthCounsel Quarterly will foster conversations with your clients about the additional planning that is necessary for these special assets.

Articles include:

Estate Planning Considerations for Firearms
By: Gregory Herman-Giddens, JD, LLM, TEP, CFP®, Attorney at Law

Tips and Tricks: Drafting with Gun Docx®
By: Lissa Bealke-Moore, Product Implementation Manager

The Vacation Home: Will It Be a Blessing or a Curse for the Next Generation?
By: Timothy Borchers, Attorney at Law

Survey Says: The Current State of Farm and Ranch Estate and Succession Planning
By: Cari Rincker

Eight Critical Thoughts to Consider when Estate Planning for Oil and Gas Interests
By: Samantha K. Wolfe, Esq.

Valuation of Closely Held Business Interests
By: Sarah Barton, JD, WealthCounsel Legal Content Manager

How Automation Can Affect the Future of Your Law Practice
By: Jeff Gorman

The WealthCounsel Quarterly is the premier legal magazine for estate planning and elder law attorneys. Subscribers get access to the latest digital issue that includes informative articles written by industry leaders, practice development tips, and WealthCounsel’s full educational calendar for the quarter.

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