Trusts & Estates

Trusts & Estates

WealthCounsel Quarterly, Volume 16, No. 3—Advanced Estate Planning

This issue of the WealthCounsel Quarterly will assist you in implementing optimal planning for your clients considering the changes necessitated by the SECURE Act, the expected reduction of the estate and gift tax exemption amount, and the uncertainties associated with the current economic environment.

Articles include:

Evolution of the SECURE Act: What to Know about the Internal Revenue Service’s Proposed Regulations
By: Maribeth Berlin, JD

Section 6166: Estate Tax Deferral for Interests in a Closely Held Business
By: Jeremiah W. Doyle IV, JD, LLM

Tax Court Famous: Split-Dollar Edition
By: Eric Eklund, Attorney

Riding the Interest Rate Roller Coaster: A Review of Estate Planning Techniques for High and Low Rate Environments
By: Emily Plocki, JD, LLM | Anna Katherine Moody, JD, LLM

The QDOT: Watch the “Sunset” with Your Noncitizen Spouse
By: Colleen A. Laffin, Esq. | Brett J. Barthelmeh, Esq., AEP®

Charitable Giving after the SECURE Act
By: Marie Loiseau, JD

Ignorance Is Not an Excuse: Legal Ethics and Technology for Estate Planning Attorneys
By: Temi Siyanbade, JD, Practice Success Mentor

Wealth Docx Tips and Tricks: Wealth Docx® SECURE Act Updates
By: Lissa Bealke-Moore, Product Implementation Manager

The WealthCounsel Quarterly is the premier legal magazine for estate planning and elder law attorneys. Subscribers get access to the latest digital issue that includes informative articles written by industry leaders, practice development tips, and WealthCounsel’s full educational calendar for the quarter.

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