Trusts & Estates

Trusts & Estates

2022 Estate Planning Industry Trends Report

WealthCounsel, in conjunction with Trusts & Estates magazine and Informa Engage, surveyed over five hundred estate planning professionals at the beginning of the second quarter of 2022. The survey addressed the challenges and opportunities facing respondents and their clients, their clients’ interest in and use of nonfungible tokens (NFTs) and cryptocurrency, and the use of various strategies and clauses when drafting trusts. The survey also discussed clients’ tax exemption and gift strategies, as well as how respondents are adapting to post-pandemic work practices.

This year’s Industry Trends survey illustrates both a willingness to embrace new technologies as we emerge from the pandemic and a strong interest among clients in taking advantage of a full range of estate planning strategies. Download to read the full report.

2022 Estate Planning Industry Trends Report

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