

Practice Development in an Age of Uncertainty: Leveraging Competitive Forces and Technology into a Client Value Creation Monopoly

by Craig R. Hersch, JD, CPA | Partner, Sheppard, Brett, Stewart, Hersch, Kinsey and Hill, PA

"May you live in interesting times" is thought to be an ancient Chinese curse. Whatever its origin, one thing is certain–we're living in an age of uncertainty, and the legal industry is not immune. Many of us are seeing latency with colleagues and clients who are unsure of what's coming. It might be tempting to wait it out to mitigate risk. But these interesting times also present great opportunity.

Clients are looking for answers more than ever so now is the time for you to take action. How do you do it? Read this article to learn how to leverage competitive forces and technology into a client value creation monopoly while others are sitting on the sidelines.

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