Trusts & Estates
The Impact of BATF Rule 41F on Firearms Trusts

by C. Dennis Brislawn, JD and Matthew T. McClintock, JD
You've mostly likely already heard about new federal regulations regarding firearms regulated by Title II of the Gun Control Act — known as the National Firearms Act, 26 U.S.C. Chapter 53 (the NFA). United States Attorney General Loretta Lynch signed ATF Rule 41F on January 4, 2016, and it goes into effect on July 13, 2016. This rule affects the transfer of NFA firearms for individuals and entities and was specifically intended to address those firearms made or received by trusts or other legal entities.
This new rule raises concerns in both drafting and administration of gun trusts, of which you and your clients should be aware. Please download this brief, "The Impact of BATF Rule 41F," to learn the following:
- Key elements of Rule 41F;
- Critical drafting considerations for firearms trusts as a result of Rule 41F.
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