Trusts & Estates

Trusts & Estates

2012 Annual Industry Trends Survey

Results from the 6th Annual Industry Trends Survey drew nearly 1,500 respondents comprised primarily of practicing attorneys (61%) and financial planners (27%). Remaining respondents included bank trust officers, CPAs, and insurance professionals. Highlights include: use of the gift tax exemption, impact of real estate values, client demographics and motivation, business growth, and technology platforms and software application usage.

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WealthCounsel Quarterly, Volume 18, No. 2—Business Succession Planning

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Trusts & Estates

WealthCounsel Quarterly, Volume 18, No. 1—Estate Planning in the Digital Age

This issue of the WealthCounsel Quarterly will equip you to educate your clients about the need to plan for their digital assets, help you design effective estate plans to transfer those assets to their beneficiaries, and increase your firm’s efficiency.

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WealthCounsel Quarterly, Volume 16, No. 2—Small Business

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